Chevron Gray & Yellow

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Farewell, Irene

Oh, Irene! You came and went. We were totally prepared for you...I think. We had the most food in our tiny apartment that we've ever had! Even Rockzilla had an extra supply of food. We were ready to scurry into my closet given the worst case scenario. We had extra towels on-hand to sop up misplaced water that may have come through our windows. The flashlight and camping light were ready and extra batteries were purchased for them. I even had cash in my debit card probably breathed a sigh of relief with that sight!

In the end, we didn't have to evacuate our apartment, we didn't lose power, we didn't even have to use the extra towels to sop up any rouge water. PHEW!

Rockzilla did happen to sniff out a teeny-tiny mouse that was somehow too confident in his presence around humans. Despite the fact that this bothered me extremely, I was quite impressed in my little fella's sniffer, hunting skills and gentle manner. He simply pointed to the mouse and whimpered to let me know he found something out of the norm. Thank goodness my neighbor had her phone handy and snapped this cute shot.
Until next time, Irene.

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