We quickly realized that Plan B was a better option for us - Myrtle Beach!!! We both love this beach and since My Hero went there nearly every year for family vacays, he maneuvers it very well. Neither of us likes the stress of trying to drive through an unknown area. Since we would have to rent a car for the beach, we decided to drive from NYC to the Carolinas and see our family along the way as well. WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!
We (a.k.a. My Hero) loaded everything into the rental car (I supervised and made sure the car didn't get towed...HAHA!) and headed out of the city Saturday afternoon. We were under the gun to get to Charlotte Sunday morning in order to make it to Elevation Church and complete a covert operation (a.k.a. Sneak Attach of Sunshine).
Our week out of the city was chock full-o-fun. We had a HUGE list of items we had to accomplish and we were quite successful. Here's the run-down:
- Drive to NC
- Stop at the FIRST...well, second Chick-fil-A
- Breakfast at BoJangles
- Sneak attack Sunshine
- Attend Elevation Church service
- Lunch with Sunshine
- Inspect Condo
- Meet w/ renters to re-sign condo lease
- Father's Day dinner with favorite Father-in-law
- Catch up with former co-workers
- Banking Business
- Lunch with favorite Mother-in-Law
- Quick trip to outlet mall
- Cookout with the family
- Shopping at outlets
- Dinner with college friend
- Shopping at outlets
- Sunburn (Note: Spray sunscreen doesn't work if you don't spray it EVERYWHERE. Danger! You may end up with tie-dye legs. Not cute.)
- Back to Charlotte
- B'Day party for niece
- Breakfast with Mother-in-law
- On the road to VA
- Dinner with my sweet family
- On the road to NYC
- Home again...PHEW! We are all worn out...even Rockzilla couldn't keep his eyes open any longer.
I love Myrtle Beach, that's where we got married!