Chevron Gray & Yellow

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Neck Lace

I've always had quite a fascination and slight obsession with jewelry. My metal of choice is primarily gold, but I have gone through phases enjoying silver as well. I have always loved a good silver lining in life. Thanks to my incredibly smart mother and grandmother, I was taught to love things in small packages. Something shiny might be inside.

Now that I work for a very prestigious jewelry company, I am consumed with jewelry. I have never been one to spend money on good (a.k.a. non-costume) jewelry unless I truly love it. That generally means that it has to have lasting potential. I take more risks when it comes to my clothes than I do with my jewelry. I want to be able to wear my jewelry for a long time instead of simply for a single season.

I have been longing for a new necklace for a while...specifically one similar to this one:

I love the way the letters are so elegantly laced together and, of course, I love the monogramming. Monogram+Gold+Jewelry=LOVE!

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